
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Why I Decide To Homeschool


That, I know. Homeschooling is not easy -  the money you use especially if you are here in the Philippines where the shipping of curriculum books from United States is very expensive, and most of all the time you invest teaching your kids could be very taxing especially if you are working.

So, why did i choose to homeschool? I choose to homeschool because I believe that parents should be the first teachers of their children and should be the MAIN influence to their children - not the school, nor the friends. It strengthens the bond between me and my son.

My son was in a preschool when he was 3, albeit it was just an informal one. And he tells me "my teacher said" or "teacher said", and that was when I realized my son is listening to his teacher and how important it is that the people he listens to are good people. I am grateful though that his teacher is a good man and is an active member at his church.

Can you imagine how it would be if kids listen to people or watch things that are bad influence to them? That was when I started to research how I can teach my son. I build websites, not a teacher so my knowledge in this area is pretty nil. I didn't know it was called "homeschooling"- that word just popped thanks to good ol' Google :)

In my heart, I was set for homeschooling. Friends told me my child would suffer because of lack of social skills. Homeschooling is not putting your child in a square room 24/7. It is teaching your child your values, biblical views, good morals and skills - social ones included. Moreover, social skills is not limited to a child to child interaction. If a visitor comes to my house no matter how old, that's social skills for my son too- he can talk to anyone and as for child's play, he can play with his cousins.

Most of all, I believe in teaching with love. And who can love my son more than God and me? If instruction is given with love and patience (help me God :) ) , I believe a child will learn.